Council asks judge to ban LGBT lessons protesters from near school

Birmingham school is focus of long campaign to halt LGBT equality messages being taught

A high court judge has been asked to extend an exclusion zone permanently banning activists against LGBT equality lessons from demonstrating outside a Birmingham primary school.

Protesters went head to head with a local authority during the five-day trial to stop protests outside Anderton Park primary school. The school, in the Sparkhill area of the city, has become the focus of a long campaign to halt LGBT equality messages being taught in the classroom.

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There are many sources of advice today to make our sex lives more exciting. Friends, magazines, movies and the Internet are just a few. The physical intimacy that sex provides cannot be trivialised. Below are some tips from experts providing guidance for a healthier sex life.   Lucy Snider Psychosexual, Relationship & Sexual Health Therapist   My number one tip for great sex is

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