Chanel Contos to meet Scott Morrison to discuss sex consent education reforms

Sex education is currently taught too late, with 50% of children already sexually active when it begins in year 10, Contos says

Prime minister Scott Morrison will discuss reforms to combat rape culture with Chanel Contos, whose petition calling for earlier sex education in schools prompted hundreds of testimonies from former Sydney schoolgirls about sexual assault earlier this year.

Speaking after briefing other federal MPs on Thursday, Contossaid concepts such as sexual coercion are still “not understood by the wider community” although policymakers, including the curriculum authority, were now taking them seriously.

Related: ‘Do they even know they did this to us?’: why I launched the school sexual assault petition | Chanel Contos

Related: The trouble with boys: what lies behind the flood of teenage sexual assault stories?

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‘Confusing’ milkshake consent video pulled from campaign that cost Australian government $3.8m

A digital media agency created the sexual education campaign, which included a heavily criticised video showing a woman smearing a milkshake over a man’s face

The federal government spent nearly half the $7.8m it allocated to its “Respect Matters” campaign on a website that included a “bizarre” video that taught sex consent through milkshakes, which has now been removed in response to widespread criticism.

According to the government’s public contract database, the Department of Education paid a digital media agency nearly $3.8m to create the campaign that included the video.

Related: The trouble with boys: what lies behind the flood of teenage sexual assault stories?

This is the government’s new video to educate teenagers on consent… and honestly, I think I actually know less about the issue after watching this. What’s going on?

Originally reported by @samanthamaiden

Full video here –

Related: Sexual consent education is too important to become a schoolyard joke | Renee Carr

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Sexual consent education is too important to become a schoolyard joke | Renee Carr

Some of the Australian government’s new educational resources are not just ridiculous, but also confusing and concerning

Drinking milkshakes, eating tacos and getting into shark-infested water – you could be forgiven for not understanding what any of these things have to do with sexual consent.

Yet it’s these topics – dished up as bizarre, evasive metaphors for sex – that feature in the Morrison government’s new “Good Society” consent resources for school students.

Young people are capable of nuanced conversations around these issues; they’ve been calling for clear and accurate information

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